Wilderness Oak Elementary PTA

Greenback 2021/22
Interested in doing more for our school? Become a Greenback Donor or Family Sponsor! Help with the Wilderness Oak Mountain Trek competition between the grades for Greenback donations. Your donation (beyond the standard $7 membership fee) will go towards your student’s grade total and will be divided evenly between multiple children in the same family. Students will receive keychains and additional beads for their grade levels’ progress towards our goal of $12,000 for the school. If we reach the school goal, Mr. Harrington will camp out for a day of school after the end of the competition! Competition ends 9/30!Your membership and donation support programs and improvements for our school! Our Green Back Competition and Benevity company matching closes on 9/30/21, so act now!
Community Sponsorships
Click here for online form
Membership/Greenback Combo
Click here
Greenback Donation Only
Click Here
Membership/Greenback Family Donation Types
$30 Single Student Bundle
Includes: WO PTA Membership, 1 festival wristband, 1 hairbow, socks, or sweatband
$100 Hikers Family Sponsor
Includes: 2 Memberships, 2 festival wristbands, 2 hairbows, socks, or sweatbands, name on entry sign
$200 Climbers Family Sponsor
Includes: 3 Memberships, 3 festival wristbands, 3 hairbows, socks, or sweatbands, name on entry sign
$300 Mountaineers Family Sponsor
Includes: 4 Memberships, 4 festival wristbands, 4 hairbows, socks, or sweatbands, name on entry sign
How can you donate?
Print this FORM and return it filled out to your child's teacher with a cash or a check made payable to Wilderness Oak PTA. You can also pay by credit card at meet the teacher and parent orientation night.
Follow this LINK to fill out and pay. You can pick one of the predesignated amounts or choose any amount you want.
Do you want your business to be a Community Sponsor? CLICK HERE for the community sponsor form. Please fill out the form and email it to waysandmeans@wildernessoakpta.com with the subject Community Sponsorship.
Have you already joined PTA but would still like to make a donation towards greenback? CLICK HERE
Have Questions?
How does your donation help our school?
Items that greenback has paid for recently:
GAGA ball pit
mulch for the small playground
Imagine Math and RAZ kids educational software
security system updates
new library furniture
new playground balls
bike rodeo
field day
turkey trot (November)
library guest authors
water bottle fillers for school water fountains
5th grade end of the year party
red ribbon week
and more!