Wilderness Oak Elementary PTA
President –
Presides at regular and executive board meetings. Acts as representative for the Wilderness Oak PTA at the council, district, state and national level. Coordinates work of board members and many “unassigned” duties.
1st Vice President: Volunteers –
Processes volunteer applications, maintains lists and organizes volunteers for school activities and workrooms. Submits parent volunteer hours to district offices. Oversees 5th Grade activities, Healthy Lifestyles, Service Chair Award, and Decorating Committee.
2nd Vice President: Ways & Means/Membership –
Assists the President, Officers and committee chairman. Oversees making the of the Back-to-School Welcome packets at the beginning of the school year. Manages all membership recruitment throughout the year. Oversees Life Membership and Founders Day. Organizes all fundraisers, serves on disbursement and budget committee.
3rd Vice President: Programs -
Arranges all program speakers and/or activities for regular meetings. Oversees Reflections, Red Ribbon Week, Bringing in outside programs, Glow Party, Bike Rodeo, Field Day, Gardens, and Watch DOGS.
Secretary –
Records the minutes of the regular and executive board meetings. Makes reminder calls to executive committee members.
Treasurer –
Keeps an accurate and complete account of money received and spent, writes checks, balances the checkbook, prepares monthly financial states and fills out tax forms.
Parliamentarian –
Knows parliamentary procedure, familiar with our bylaws and the Robert’s Rules of Order, advises President on questions of parliamentary law.